Futsal is basically indoor soccer on an area similar to a basketball court. We offer two winter sessions. EIGHT GAMES - NO PRACTICES.
1st - 4th GRADE BOYS
3rd - 4th GRADE GIRLS
LOCATION - JFK Center & Trinity Gym
SCHEDULE - boys play Tuesdays & girls play Thursdays
DATES - Jan 28 - March 18
COST - $45 per person
Pls note changes in FAQs
LOCATION - Trinity Gym
SCHEDULE - Friday Evenings
DATES - Jan 31-March 21
COST - $45 per person
What days do we play? 1st-4th Grade games will be played Tuesday & Thursday evenings. 5th & 6th Grade boys will play Friday evenings—please note changes to 5/6 boys format (see last point below).
Where are we playing? 1st-4th grade leagues will play at either the JFK Center Gym (Koch Park) or Trinity Gym (3515 Shackelford Rd). 5th & 6th will play at Trinity Gym.
What is the cost? $45 per individual. Bench-coach's children play free. ONE COACH PER TEAM.
How many games are there? 8 games per team played over 7/8 weeks.
How many players per team? Futsal is 5v5 but is fast paced so a squad of 10 is helpful.
Can I register a team? Each INDIVIDUAL needs to register but if you have a team that you want to keep together please contact There is an option on the registration form to select a preferred coach that enables teams to be kept together.
What if I don't have a team - can I still sign up? Yes, but places are limited to the number of coaches we have available. If we are unable to place a player, a refund will be issued.
How many players are on a team? All teams should have 10 players - squad max size 12.
Can I play with my current Empower team? Yes, we will aim to keep teams together depending on availability of the coach and the grade of the players.
Do teams need uniforms? Uniforms are not required - pinnies will be available.
What shoes do I wear? Indoor soccer shoes or sturdy tennis shoes are required. Shinguards are recommended.
Are there practices? No practices are required only weekly games.
NEW 5th and 6th grade boys SESSIONS - registration is for eight weekly sessions JANUARY 31ST - MARCH 21ST. Sessions are either 6-7pm or 7-8pm with a max of 18 players per session. The coaches for each session will divide players into small teams enabling parity and then play a 'winner stays on' style mini-tournament each week. Coaches will be available to help players learn.