Our fall recreational soccer program provides opportunities for players of ALL skill levels. Players are expected to attend a training session and play a league game, each week, for the duration of a 10-game season starting September 2025 (teams start practicing in August).
League games are played either Thurs or Friday evenings and/or Saturday afternoons primarily at Koch Park but some games may be at North County Christian School. Practice days/times depend on each individual coach.
IMPORTANT: All parents and/or guardians must agree to a Parent Code of Conduct in the application process.
COACH KID Plays Free
(1 child per coach)
Games will be played at primarily at Koch Park. Practice locations depend per coach of each team. ​The 10-game season will run from September to October 2025. We will endeavor to have at least 10 practices with the team.
Games schedules will be available on our website in late August.